Monday, May 5, 2008

Furniture Fiasco

Months ago, Alan and I went to a furniture store closeout sale, hoping to snag a deal on a dresser for our bedroom. We'd finally had it with the 20-year-old pre-Martha Kmart dresser that had been passed around my household like a family heirloom. Though not especially attractive, it was still near-functional until two saintly women* allegedly busted it while loading it into a moving van. It was ready to retire anyway, so we headed to the big sale.

I think we were a little late.

Either that, or an earthquake struck right before we walked in the doors.

The 90-90% off signs should have been our first clue. So we ended up back at old, faithful Ikea and came across this beauty. Niiiice. And we didn't have to beat up anybody or camp out for it. Niiiiicer.

Photo snagged from Ikea.

*Happy Mother's Day to both of you!


Anonymous said...

Ah it's a fine looking piece of furniture for sure. It seems like the furniture goddess, or good ol Irish luck was with ya's to fine such a beaut!!!


Jenn said...

Oooooh, I like!