Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Going Vertical

I have a problem with multiple-photo picture frames. They allow you to showcase a variety of pictures, but they always include one or two vertical images. And I never take vertical pictures. And we all know that Alan never takes vertical pictures. In fact, Alan never takes pictures at all. I just yelled at him last week for his photographic negligence when this was the only image I had to send for the Contacts page for my new magazine:

That's the only image I have where I’m not hugging someone or Marti. As Alan and I were discussing his neglect, I had to force him to snap this picture:

But I digress. The point of this post is that at a recent wedding, we were able to get a quality photo. Behold, the ever-elusive vertical shot:

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Too bad you didn't send in the one of us making weird faces; that one is priceless.

Cute dress!