Thursday, May 31, 2007

A long drive

Alan and I headed out on Monday around noon for our long drive to California. It's only Wednesday and that leg of the trip seems like forever ago. We got to Denver around 8 p.m. where we stopped at Alan's aunt's and grandma's house. We don't get to see them very often, so it was nice to be able to visit and stay the night. After a quick breakfast the next morning, we started out on the second leg of our trip. From Denver we headed north up to Cheyenne and then headed west. Wyoming is a really beautiful part of the country. Rolling hills and mountains off in the distance. In Wyoming, we stopped in Buford, which has to be the smallest town in the United States. Population 2. It consisted of a gas station and a house, where I assume the two live. Cracked us up.

It was another 8 hours to Salt Lake City, where Alan's cousin, his wife and their two kids greeted us. We went to Michael's little league baseball game and had a wonderful dinner. It was a great break from driving, and we welcomed a home-cooked meal. This morning we were up at the crack of dawn for the last leg of our trip. We drove through Utah and got to see Salt Lake. It was really pretty...and salty. It smelled like the ocean. Just west of that were the Salt Flats, which are fields of salt that look like snow. It was really cool. They have warnings posted on the side of the roads to beware of drowsiness because it's such monotonous, white terrain. I quickly fell victim to the flats, and slept through most of them.

Nevada is a desolate state. As soon as you cross the border you're greeted with casinos. Casinos, desert and scrubby mountains are all you see until you are in the very western part of the state. We hit Reno and shortly thereafter crossed the border to California where we decided to take a scenic route and drive along Lake Tahoe. It was an amazing drive. The lake is gorgeous and the drive itself is a lot like being in Colorado. It's very mountainous and just beautiful. It was a great detour, even though by the end of the drive Alan's hands hurt from gripping the steering wheel so hard. After that drive, we decided to hit a hotel and stay the night, so we're currently in Folsom, CA. We'll only have a short drive tomorrow before we reach our destination and try to find a home. Wish us luck!


Julie VanErem said...

Glad you finally arrived in Cali. Your new pad looks tri fab! Can't wait to visit! =)

Julie VanErem said...

p.s. i'm blogging on your blog! holla!