Biggest accomplishment: Starting The Blog. Collaborating with one of my dearest friends to create a place that thousands of people visit on the already saturated world wide web is my greatest accomplishment by far. It gives me a greater professional purpose, keeps me in shape and keeps me writing about topics outside of construction. I can't wait to see what 2009 brings for us!

Best work trip: My trip to Portland, Oregon. Although my flight around the Grand Canyon was awesome, you just can't beat two days of being at such a major event, seeing athletes and lines of shoes and apparel, and getting to meet editors for top fitness publications—for my own business.
Best celebrity interactions: I talked to Denise Austin! Seriously, how cool is that? Be checking in the coming months for more. Jenn and I also made Bob Harper blush via email. Hehe.
Best hair decision: Going darker with my hair! I think it just looks more natural and better. And it's so much cheaper.
Happiest moment: KU winning the national championship. There are truly no words to describe the moment, but I was on a natural high for more than a week.

Best big trip: Buenos Aires. Such a fun week, with lots of beef, wine and friends.
Best weekend trips: My trip to Phoenix to meet my mom and Kyle was a blast, and Vegas was hard to beat.
Best web find: Sign up at this website and in minutes you can see a pie chart that tells you that you're spending as much eating out as you are on rent. I lets you track your finances by signing up your bank accounts, credit cards and even student loans so you can see where your money goes. Cool for the money conscious.
New foods added to the menu: I made tofu for the first time (simple, yummy!) and tried Brussels sprouts as well. Now don't get all bent out of shape that I've gone all Crazy California. I've also been eating Chick-O-Sticks regularly.
Best natural wonder: Iguazu Falls. I didn't think anything could be worth two 20-hour bus trips. I was wrong.
Most amazing shopping moment: Not everyone can understand, but trust me, it was amazing.
Surprising kicked addiction: After discovering that it's a maybe-cause of my migraines, I've kicked the caff to the curb and gone for decaf when I have coffee at all, which is now rarely.
Marti's countdown
Funniest Alan/Marti moment: We were out for a walk one dark night, and Marti started dragging me toward the middle of the street. I saw white painted X's on the street, and thinking she was checking them out, I let her lead me toward the middle of the street, saying "What is it girl?" When she wasn't actually interested in the painted lines, but kept pulling me across the street anyway, Alan goes, "Erin, she's not Nancy Drew."
Marti's worst malady: Poor little Marti came down with a whopper of an eye infection that took a shot to the eye, several weeks of antibiotics, eye drops, several trips to the puppy eye doctor and hundreds of dollars to get rid of. But she's still got both beautiful brown eyes!
Marti's biggest scare: Being jumped from behind by the neighbor cat. I was, of course, out of town, leaving Alan in charge. It should come as no surprise that this was when Samsi decided to strike.
Marti's new obsession: Mud. She's started chowing down along with the other dog park pups. It is disgusting. Foul. She gets three strikes and then we're OUT.
And there you have it. 2008 in a nutshell. Here's to a wonderful 2009!
It was a great year. Unexpected success in many ways (thousands of hits, who us? So soon!). And I'm so happy we started it all. Here's to a great 2009 full of more surprises and Marti/Alan hilarity. :)
LOL, love the best of parts about your Marti! We can't wait to get a pug too! Congratulations on having such a great year! (i am the friend of your Mom-in-laws, in case you were wondering).
Jackie :-)
your blogs always delight me. lol...can't wait to see what adventures 2009 bring dawling
Congrats on your success in branching out in your writing this year and in establishing a successful blog!
We're experimenting with our own personal finance blog here at Thrive and we know how time consuming the process is!
I was wondering if you might consider reviewing our site ( It's a free personal finance site that offers personalized financial advice.
Who knows? Maybe it will be your best web find for 2009!
All the best,
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