Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in Estados Unidos!

Hola, amigos! We're back after a fun-filled week in Buenos Aires. We're busy re-bonding with our pug and recovering from travel, but I wanted to check in and give you a brief photo preview of blogs to come. The trip was great. In 10 words, it was Argentine beef, wine, buses, waterfalls, tango, walking, laughter and language barriers. And empanadas. Ok, that's 11.

The largest, cheapest and tastiest kebab ever.

Shopping for wine in a foreign market

First-class buses for 20-hour rides. Meals. Foot rests. Leg support. Fully reclining. No other way to travel.

Iguazu Falls
"Poor little Niagara!"

Beautiful architecture and buildings. Just don't get too distracted lest you step in dog doo. No poo pickup rules in BA.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Best Friends at the Beach

July 6. Beach. Notice the long sleeves, jeans, and general appearance of cold. This is Northern California.

We took Marti to the beach for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It was maybe one of the least relaxing "should be relaxing" type of events. Pugs were allowed, but not off leash, so I had to maintain constance vigilance to make sure Marti didn't jump in the ocean, terrorize small children or eat sand and seaweed. I wasn't able to stop the ingestion of sand. She probably ate a cup of the stuff.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Love. This.

My little words can't do this video justice, so you just have to watch it. It made me smile for four and a half minutes straight.

This four and a half minutes shows how vastly huge the world is. We're all so different. And we're all the same.

Read more about it it at (It also views more clearly on this site.)