Thursday, December 2, 2010

Clearing Out the Inbox

My email inbox has been out of control since August 7. I gave birth to a little cutie pie, spent almost a week at the hospital and away from the computer, and it's been tough to recover. Even though I see new emails on my BlackBerry, I don't always have two free thumbs to respond. So the email continues to pile up. It's like one step forward when I delete an email and one step back when it's replaced by a new one.

I've finally gotten it down to 17 new emails, and in going through the inbox, came across this one, dated July 30, 2010.

An email to Nikki and Erika, responding to the question "How are you feeling?"

So yeah, 34 weeks today. I'm up every hour or so at night either maneuvering into a different sleep position (with a Snoogle that I won. It's awesome.) or peeing. Our house is still chaos...Alan's planning to tile the kitchen floor...stresses me out but I'm trying to be zen about it. My maternity pants don't even really fit any more, so that's very annoying. And tight. So I'm rotating like three dresses and a skirt. YAWN. My feet also started to swell towards the end of the day and for some reason that is very depressing--like you need a further reminder that you have no control over your body any more. Oh, and Bethenny Getting Married had her baby at 35 weeks so now I'm freaking out that I'm so not ready if the baby makes an early appearance. Not likely, I know, but I can't be rationalized with. I'm also sick of being the clumsiest human alive and banging my shins or breaking dishes every other minute. See the can of worms you open up when you ask how I am?

Oh, Erin of July 30. You should be freaking out. Very much indeed.


Tish said...

she's freaking me out lol

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha! I think I tried to console you about Bethenny going 5 weeks early and told you that you were crazy and it wouldn't happen. oh silly me, as well!