I, however, did not expect her to arrive five weeks early. And while I'd joked about starting kitchen renovations late in the pregnancy, I didn't honestly think the little squirt would show up while our kitchen was totally destroyed. Just goes to show—I'm not in charge.
With our kitchen taken apart—appliances in the dining room, no floors—Alan took off work Thursday and Friday to start the process of laying down the floors. We headed to the Depot to buy the backerboard and tiles.
Because we hadn't arrived at the appliance store intending to buy a fridge, we bought a much-too-deep one and had to go back to the store to re-order. As we were walking in the store for the second time, the delivery driver asked when I was due. I said "September, I still have a few weeks" and he goes, "Nah...a few hours." When you know how the story ends, you know just how weird this comment was.
So Alan and I get home from appliance shopping. I'm in the kitchen, standing in this exact spot, and Alan is downstairs. I'm looking for squeaks in the floor; Alan is drilling to get rid of squeaks in the floor. Then...my water breaks. Only, I'm not totally sure it's my water breaking. Did I pee myself, perhaps? It's 4:30. Let's just see what happens.
What happens is that contractions start. And I'm slightly confused. Because the contractions are anywhere from 4 minutes to less than 3 minutes apart. And aren't they supposed to start really far apart? And wasn't I supposed to get Braxton Hicks contractions first? And isn't the baby supposed to wait until September? Or at least until the kitchen is done?
So while the contractions are frequent, they're also fairly mild. I'm bossing Alan around, making him clean up our disaster area a bit (in case parents come to town), making him organize the baby's room (because I'd moved furniture to hang stuff on the walls). I pack a bag for the hospital. All the while I'm thinking of what I learned in our (apparently worthless) childbirth classes: "Don't rush to the hospital. You have HOURS of labor to go through. Labor at home for as long as possible. It's not like the movies."*
So we're getting all of our stuff together when all of a sudden the contractions are like, "HEY! WE'RE NOT MESSING AROUND!" And I'm like "Shit, these contractions aren't messing around. Call the doctor." So Alan does and we head to the hospital.
Alan gets in the car. And I just stand next to the car with the door open. Gripping the roof of the car. Unable to get in because sitting in the car basically sounded like the worst thing in the world for my uterus to do at that point. Also, I was feeling like I had to push, which I smartly kept to myself. Alan coaxes me into the car for what is the most miserable 15-minute car ride ever. I wait until we're two stoplights from the hospital before I tell Alan that I feel like I need to push. He tells me "Don't push! Pull!"
We pull up to the hospital entrance, jump out of the car and head straight to labor and delivery. I feared that if we parked, I'd be delivering in the parking garage. We walk into L&D, Alan supporting me as I try to walk, and I say "I feel like I need to puuuush." The nurses look up from the nurses' station with surprised looks on their faces, ask for our last name and direct us to room 7.
As I enter lucky room 7, I'm stripping off my clothing because the need to push is undeniable at this point. No "Hi, nurse, nice to meet you." I'm like "This baby wants OUT!"
As I get on the bed, I'm thinking two things: 1) Please let me be ready to push because if not, I just made an embarrassing scene and 2) Please let me be ready to push because I cannot take hours more of this. Thankfully, I was indeed fully dilated**, so with half an hour of pushing with all of my might, Avery Anne arrived at 7:09 p.m. at 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and 18.25 inches long.
After the craziness of labor, my only concern was that the baby was healthy. So it took a minute for Alan and I to realize that we didn't even know the baby's gender. I was genuinely surprised when Alan announced "It's a girl!" I think I would have been surprised either way. And really, I was surprised to have a baby outside of my belly at that point in time.
Because she was so early, she earned herself a stay in the NICU, so she was there until she was discharged on Friday. She had an IV for a day, was hooked up to monitors and got to go under the lights for jaundice.
Luckily, we were able to stay in a room on the pediatric unit just down the hall from her, so that made the extended stay a little easier. I have never been so happy to head home.
Also perfect? My wonderful husband. I couldn't have made it through that week without him. And not only is he proving to be an amazing support and wonderful father, but he also finished those damn floors. And they look awesome.
*We want our money back. IT IS EXACTLY LIKE THE MOVIES.
**My discharge form says that I arrived fully dilated and gave birth within 30 minutes of my arrival to the hospital.
ha! i love it! love her little elvis rockstar hair and the totally elvis-like goggles they gave her in the anti-jaundice chamber of light.
good post m'dear!
She's adorable, the picture of you three is great. Congratulations, excited to meet her in Feb. I'll bring some ridiculous gift from her dad's homeland.
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