Sunday, February 10, 2008

Looking Up

Things are looking up for us out here. Not only has the sun been out again for about a week, but Alan found out that one of his research grants got funded. He put so much hard work into the submission, so it's wonderful to see that his dedication paid off, literally. Plus, not to embarrass him or anything, but it's quite the prestigious award from a top cancer research organization. I like to think I had a hand in it, too, because I edited his introduction page. All of those other sciencey pages were just for show. But seriously, I'm so proud of him and this is great for us. It means that he's not on his boss's dime any more, so there's less pressure to "earn his keep," which in turns allows for more flexibility and freedom...and fewer 90-hour weeks. We are pumped!

We went out to celebrate last week when he got the initial call giving him the good news. Then we went out again to really celebrate on Friday because he got written confirmation that the paperwork was in the works. It was nice to go out for some margaritas to celebrate, especially considering that I'd had the week from H-E-double-hockey-sticks. I learned freshman year in college that procrastination was not my friend, but I fell into the procrastination trap last week. I put off an article I was supposed to write for work until basically days after it was due. Then, not only did I have trouble with people getting back to me, but deadlines for both of my magazines hit at the same time, along with the newsletter I do...which was also an ideal time to have other more frustrating problems with other staff members. Needless to say, Alan and I both needed a drink once the week was over.

I think Alan was trying to do a thumbs-up, but it ended up looking more like the Clinton thumb.

We were so thrilled to be celebrating that we didn't even get mad when we got passed up twice when we were waiting for a table. Who cares!? We had good news and great margaritas.


Anonymous said...

congratulations lady!!! it's all about the intro page ya know...

Jenn said...

Congrats to you both! That's seriously awesome and a huge accomplishment! Ya'll should celebrate for weeks!

p.s. Clinton thumb, hilarious. There really is a wiki entry for everything.

Julie VanErem said...

OMG! Congrats! I'm so excited for the both of you. Cheers to fewer 90-hour weeks. Hopefully he can move out of the lab and back into the apt. =)


Anonymous said...

People should read this.