Every now and then Marti goes into Crazy Pug Mode. It used to manifest itself with the "zoomies," also known as "racing around a million miles an hour." I read somewhere that the zoomies typically occur at night, when puppies are trying to get out their last bit of energy. Now that Marti's a big girl, the zoomies happen less and less. It's only on occasion that she gets the wild look in her eye and goes Pug Wild. It happened last night when I was walking her. She started jumping up and racing around and trying to bite me and trying to grab the baggie from my hand. She also takes hold of the leash and tries to wrestle it from me. It cracks me up, but drives me a little mad at the same time. To top it off, her potty spot is a big grassy patch right in front of an assisted living facility. There are always folks sitting out on the patio, I'm sure watching my out-of-control mongrel trying to rip her leash, and occasionally me, apart.
Alan is also quite good at getting Marti to kick into Crazy Gear. It only takes him a minute of rough-housing with her before she's making ferocious-sounding growls and running around full speed. Here is Alan getting Marti all worked up into a frenzy. The before shot, if you will:

As you can see, Marti is alert, primed and ready for action. The next shot is of Marti taking a punch to the face. I assure you that no pugs were harmed in the making of this shot.
My, my, my...PETA will be all over you, thinking that you're training Marti for Michael Vick's dog fighting ring. Tsk, tsk.
We pug-sat this weekend and those girls would go from dead sleep to zoomies in .6 seconds. It was hilarious. I heart pug zoomies!
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