Friday, October 8, 2010

That Was Fast

It's hard to believe that five years ago, I was in a pretty dress, in a pretty chapel, about to get married. How is it possible that it's been five years? And how is it possible that it's been so easy?

I won't embarrass Alan by getting too sentimental here, but I just want to say that I'm a lucky girl. I've had a great five years and look forward to 60 more.

And an update on the little girl. She had her two-month appointment today. She's shot from the 10th percentile for her birth weight to the 75th, weighing in at 11 pounds, 7 ounces! She took her shots like a champ. And she's super cute, adorable, hilarious. Obvs!

1 comment:

Mr. Joel said...

So you're planning on divorcing Al when you're 90? Picking up a younger man at that point shouldn't be too much of a problem.