Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Buenos Aires, Part 3

One of our favorite nights in Buenos Aires was the night we went to see a tango show. The show was quite a bit more impressive than the street tango we saw. The show included the dancing, obviously, but also singing, drums, "toca la guitarra" and crazy clacking ropes. I didn't get the best dancing on video, but this will give you a taste.

Also, this guy was amazing! The video doesn't do him justice.

We also made a visit to the zoo...

...where babies drink Coke out of bottles and you can get so close to the animals that these signs are necessary.

La Recoleta Cemetery was creepy and awesome. Eva Perón is buried there, and if we learned one thing about Argentinians, it's that they love Evita.

A giant flower sculpture that allegedly opens and closes. We didn't see it move, so we took matters into our own hands.


And peeling away...

And open...I was lucky, I was the stamen.

And last but not least, the beautiful Japanese gardens. It looks like they've had too much wine and peanuts.

And those are the highlights, people. Normal blogging can now resume.

Oh, and P.S.: One of my favorite things about coming back to the United States, besides being able to use a debit card everywhere and seeing little Marti, was hearing "Welcome Back" from the passport control official.


Jenn said...

Oh my gosh, Erin. LOL. I love that I can hear you laughing in the second video. Too funny.

And babies drink out of coke bottles? Do they drink coke, or just use the bottle?

That cemetery does look creepy. And cool. Kind of looks like the ones I've seen in New Orleans...they have that ghost vibe.

Lastly, you as the stamen. LOL.

Erin said...

I couldn't contain my glee in the video. And you can hear Alan comment that the dude has a mullet at the beginning.

And worse, Coke out of baby bottles. One baby. But still, isn't one one too many?

Mr. Joel said...

I like Al's wine colored tongue in the Japanese garden pic.