One of the perks of having a pug, besides all of the unconditional love and kisses and company, is that pugs in costume are hilarious. Let's face it: With those smashed faces and loads of wrinkles, they are always funny looking. But throw a costume on and it's like pure cuteness overload.
Alan and I came across several worthy costumes at Target awhile back. We debated over the lady bug...or the dinosaur...or the bumblebee. But how could we resist the moose?
Unsure of what size to get her, we opted for the small on our first attempt. It was so tight on her that she couldn't move, which only added to the hilarity. But she also couldn't really breathe, so we opted to return for a larger size. Now, the moose head is slightly too big, but at least she's not miserable in it. I don't think she LOVES it or anything, but she'll put up with it for awhile.
I think she figures, "If this is the price I pay to go to the dog park daily and not have to hunt my own food, it's worth it."
Erin, the pictures aren't working! I don't know if it's just my computer but I must see Marti as a moose! Nothing is cuter than Marti in a moose costume!
Marti is the shortest legged moose I've ever seen in my life, but most definitely adorable. What pets don't go through for their owners.
Oh my god, Erin. lol! I can do nothing but smile when I see this. I so want to just squeeze her!
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