Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Upchuck Dog

A couple of days ago I was getting ready for work and I was watching my faithful pug companion in the mirror behind me. As she stuck her rear end up in the air with her front legs out in front of her to get a deep stretch, I noticed that she really did look like the Downward Dog position in yoga. It struck me as extremely funny, little Marti doing yoga.

Cut to yesterday afternoon. After a long, rough day at work, I was excited to go home and try my new Rodney Yee DVD. I grab my yoga mat, give the dog a bone and sit down for a nice "yoga burn" session. I clear my mind and focus on the transition from Staff pose to Cobbler's pose. Then I hear a slight retching sound. Marti has thrown up all over my yoga mat.

Obviously Marti isn't as into yoga as I previously thought.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Nice first post! I'm glad there's another sane voice in the blogging community. ;)