Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We were ready to celebrate Halloween this year when Sandy rolled in and ruined everything. Just kidding. We actually weren't ready for Halloween at all, and Sandy, well, yes, she did ruin way more than Halloween.

Halloween just didn't seem like the biggest deal while we were dealing with all of that craziness, and it helped that I'd procrastinated costume decisions. And honestly, I was going the "cheap and lazy" route anyway and had planned to do either a cat (Avery) and mouse (Owen, because I think I had a mouse costume somewhere...) or a ballerina for Aves and possibly a tap dancer for Owen. (That's for you, Nikki.)

Maybe the most serious cat ever.

Cheshire grin.

 Even though Halloween was postponed, postponed again, and then canceled, we didn't let that get in the way of our fun. Luckily we'd hit up a pumpkin patch recently (maybe I'll get that post up by Christmas) so we celebrated by doing a little pumpkin carving in the 55-degree house and eating copious amounts of candy (me, for warmth). 

Digging out the ooey gooey.

A cat-ballerina perchance?

Owen could go as a vampire, what with all of his teeth.

I'm thinking of going pro.

So I'd have lots more wit and banter for you but guess who is crying? The vampire. Off to appease!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you make that little cat mask? So impressed! Also, love the tapdancer shout out! :)
Give those cutie-pies hugs for me!!