Tuesday, October 4, 2011

14 Weeks: Then and Now

Proving the theory that you show earlier with your second pregnancy, here is photographic evidence. Note: I started within a pound of where I started with Avery.

Here I am, 14 weeks pregnant with Avery:

I gave up on those jeans weeks ago.

Here I am, 14 weeks today with No. 2:

Definitely more belly, no? The pants can no longer comfortably button, I'm already wearing a belly band, and I'm about to just give in to maternity jeans. While I look forward to the impending comfort when I make that move, I know that I will be wearing them for an eternity and will be so sick of them, so I'm holding off.

While we're playing games, let's keep playing Spot the Differences, shall we?

Photo 1: Smooth, sleek, freshly cut and highlighted the day before.
Photo 2: All sorts of a mess, not highlighted in at least a trimester and possibly more like the length of a pregnancy, with 2-inch wisps of hair that make me look like a Totally Crazy Mom when I wear it in a ponytail, which is every day. (The wisps are thanks to regrowth from the massive amount of hair I lost after Avery was born.)

Photo 1: Alan, who faithfully took a weekly pic.
Photo 2: Me. Remembering how annoyed Alan got taking weekly pictures by the end of the pregnancy (mostly because I was never happy with them and made him redo), I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Photo 1: Not hung.
Photo 2: Doors hung. However, bathroom mirror dirty.

Photo 1: Present.
Photo 2: Missing. Either bored of all my time spent in the bathroom or napping because product of Photo 1 had a rough night and interrupted precious pug beauty sleep.

The good news is that I'm feeling a lot better. Hitting week 13 was magical, and week 14 is treating me well today. The nausea is few and far between, and I've actually gotten a few things done over the last week. Food isn't grossing me out quite as much. In fact, the five pepperoncinis I had as a pre-bedtime snack were quite possibly the most delicious things I've eaten in my entire life.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the morning heaves are subsiding! Unkempt hair; dirty mirror; that's life in the pregnant lane with one on board and one under foot. But I know you and Alan are loving it! (and we are too) MaW & TOM

Anonymous said...

pat on the belly from mom.

Love u.

Quinn's Mom said...

Such a cute post! Love the comparisons. and way to still keep up the pics with #2! Glad you're feeling better!!