Avery is 10 months old today! Milestones to report: She's officially crawling. I guess. But she won't be winning the Nobel Prize for Crawling any time soon. Because while she is definitely mobile, her crawl is not the most efficient. She'll get up on her knees and occasionally "real crawl" but mostly she'll go from her knees to her stomach and repeat until she gets where she wants to be. I call it "inch-worming." And don't worry, we make fun of her for it.
Off in a flash. Just kidding.

Making her way to the clothes hamper.


An upper tooth popped through, so now she's got three teeth. And maybe more, but I'm afraid to check. She may look cute, but she bites (and reads Time).

And yes, in the picture above you'll notice I didn't button her shirt. That's because it's not worth the battle. Diaper and clothing changes are now wrestling matches (alligator wrestling matches), and guess what? I lose.
Just checking her messages.

Post-bath, hearkening back to her old spike days.

Bathtime, like diaper changes, involves superhuman strength to get the job done. It's funny how I used to hold my breath waiting for her to roll over. Now I do my damnedest to get her to stop. freaking. rolling. over.
Things have improved greatly on the sleep front. Thank God. You can read about that here and here.
She graduated from nonstop "nananananana" (practicing for the "no" of toddlerhood?) to "dadadada." And will occasionally "mamamamama." But mostly "dadadadada." She calls everything "dada." From a jug of iced tea to the man measuring for carpet. And of course, her dada.

Her little personality is shining through more every day, and if you could bottle her laugh, I'm pretty sure you will have found the way to world peace. Love this kiddo.
So, so cute! And I can totally relate to wanting to stop her from rolling over ALL THE TIME. LOL!
Awwwe! So precious! Happy 10 months Avery!
You rock little girl. Keep it up. I'm waiting on mamemamemamemamemame.
Love you all.
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