Friday, January 21, 2011

Beware of Sudden Movement

Being home with Avery all day, every day, I get to see every step on the way to the big milestones. I can tell you in detail the many steps it takes to get to something as monumental as "Grabs for Objects." (Step One: Fists accidentally unclench about once a week. It's a 5-month-long process.) Something as simple as a laugh starts with those first accidental sleeping smiles. Rolling over starts with those first screaming sessions during tummy time when baby can barely lift the head, and it finally culminates with mom holding her breath waiting for that final push that sends the baby from stomach to back. (Complete with mom shifting and jerking her body to one side to help with the momentum, much as you do in bowling.)

But then there are skills that show up with no warning whatsoever. And then all of a sudden, your "safe place to put the baby" is "baby prison that must be escaped." Here I've compiled a series of pictures from my phone showing Avery making the decision to jailbreak.

Had I not intervened, I'm convinced she would have made it to the kitchen. I'm going to be in so much trouble very soon.

1 comment:

Quinn's Mom said...

Isn't it sad when what you think is a safe place is then mastered by the baby? Treasure, TREASURE your time before she starts crawling! Your life will never be the same.