The poor guy broke his nose as a teen and has been suffering ever since. So, for more than half his life he's been unable to breathe properly. And has suffered monstrous headaches as a result. And has gotten crazy-addicted to the only cure he could find: Afrin. (Which by the way, is the most amazing over-the-counter drug ever. If you have a cold and can't breathe, GET IT.)
So after some nagging from his loving wife, I finally convinced him to chat to his doctor about his nose. Which led to seeing an ear/nose/throat guru. Which led to a CT scan of his noggin. Which led to OH MY GOSH HIS NOSE IS SEVERELY JACKED UP.
But after going through all of the leg work, he just couldn't get around to scheduling the surgery to fix the deviated septum and turbinates that were effectively blocking his nose. Too busy, blah blah. So I nagged. And nagged. I must have emailed him with the surgery coordinator's phone number at least 10 times. I think he was getting grouchy about my nagging.
But guess what?
So, after that victory for my husband's health, here we were last week. Alan had to take a drug test and pass a background check for his new job. The boy has never touched a drug in his life, and although he did have a warrant in Kansas City for an unpaid ticket, he's had that cleared up for months. I reassured him that all would be fine and that he was worrying for NO REASON. But his paranoia was such that you would have thought he was an ex-convict with track marks on his arms. He was paranoid that the three pain capsules he took after his surgery would show up. He was worried that his Flintstone's chewables would turn into, I don't know, CRACK, on the drug test. I'm only exaggerating slightly.
Now, we're coming up on leaving in just a couple of weeks. We have an apartment set up in New Jersey. The wheels are in motion for our mega lifestyle change. So I can see why he'd be a little nervous. After all, we didn't need a Seinfeld poppyseed drug test failure moment.
After barely squeaking out enough pee to even take the drug test, guess whose urine was as clean as the day he was born? Alan. And guess who is getting a track record of being right a lot lately? That's right.
Awesome. This was really funny, too. Don't you sometimes want to just write about random, funny, non-fitness stuff on FBG just because you know it's good? lol.
yeah! i love new non-fbg totally personal blogs from the two of you! women are always right by the way...end of story.
i can't wait to hear your jersey accent!
My dad had this done when I was in high-school--it was HILARIOUS! He was all sorts of jacked up with, as you aptly described, tampons up his nose. I hope you got lots of good blackmail material :)
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