Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm Cool Now

Now that I'm officially on Twitter. Ok, I admit, I'm kind of anti-Facebook, anti-Twitter, anti-telling-people-what-I'm-doing-every-minute. And while I can't make any promises about how often I'll update, I thought I'd use Twitter when I have something funny or interesting to say that doesn't warrant an entire blog post.

My first "tweet" (oh my God, this is SO LAME) was going to be about how I just peed on myself testing out this product. But I didn't want my first tweet to be about peeing on myself, so instead it's basic. You can check me out at for what I'm sure will be my thrilling updates.

(P.S. In testing my Twitter link, I noticed my first tweet is gone. Although it says I have two updates. We'll see how long this relationship lasts.)

1 comment:

Cydney said...

Hi Erin-

My name is Cydney and I work for GoGirl. I saw that you had a little trouble with our product. This can happen the first time, and I would love to give you some pointers so that you can avoid the, *ahem*, problem!

Please contact me at

Talk to you soon,
