We headed out to the sketchier part of town to ride the rides atop the Stratosphere. Unfortunately, Alan brought with him the cold, so when we got out on top of the building we were freezing before the wind even hit us. We rode the Big Shot first, which shoots you up into the air 160 feet, going 45 mph. This type of ride freaks me out when it's on the ground. Put this ride on top of a building? Frightening. My biceps hurt from holding on so tightly to the restraint bars. The view was quite amazing, but I was glad the ride lasted only 30 seconds.
Next up, the X-Scream. Ok, definitely the scariest ride I've ever ridden. It's a short-track "roller coaster" that shoots you 27 feet over the edge of the building. 866 feet from the ground. They take you back to the start and do it again and again. And when you think you're done—fake out!—you're not. And you do it again. Amid my (our) shrieks and screams, I (Alan) kept saying, "That's enough...we can go back now..."
A couple that was watching us from the viewing platform got video of us on the ride. The lady showed it to me and I gave her my business card so she could send it to me. The video was too big to send, but she did send me pictures.
Praying the brakes work...
...luckily they did.
You can even see the fear on my face from this angle.
Prior to heading up to the top of the Stratosphere we got our souvenir picture taken. They said that since I was wearing a green shirt it might not turn out very well. I probably wouldn't have bought it had it actually turned out normally. Since I was wearing green, I became the green screen...and the Vegas skyline became my shirt. I'm sure they get a lot of green-shirt-wearing people spending $17 on one stupid picture for the sake of novelty. My scanner apparently hated the green shirt too or I would post.
Having survived the thrill rides, we headed to Venice.
And then New York.
We also managed to hit Paris and Egypt as well. It was one busy Sunday.
When we went to Vegas freshman year of college we stayed at the Stratosphere and a couple of my girlfriends did those rides. I'm glad I stayed by the pool! Scary!!
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looking at that dang ride made my heart drop into my chest...gulp
you are a dare devil phenom!!!
I can't believe you rode those rides. Dang, girl.
Your travels are impressive, btw.
I've been lax in reading/commenting, I apologize since I know the comments are awesome (even if from bitter non-Jayhawk people). Sounds like you guys had an awesome time in Vegas, I'd keep your eye on Al around the male flight attendants though, the big guy's got a way about him.
Wow!!! Sounds like you guys had some real fun. I would love to go to Vagas and hit the rides ASAP!!!
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