Sunday, August 24, 2014

Does This Baby Make My Belly Look Big?

Here I am in all of my glowing glory at 35 weeks, 3 days. Anyone who has been keeping tabs knows that this is THREE DAYS longer than my longest pregnancy. I'm having to remind myself that I'm not actually due for another month. But each day that ticks by has me hoping that we'll avoid the dreaded NICU stay with a preemie. And each day that ticks by also has me worried that I'll go to like 41 weeks, which...would just not be acceptable. I'd honestly prefer that to a preemie and wallet-clearing NICU stay, but I'm not saying that once I hit full-term at 37 weeks I won't be pulling out every labor-inducing trick in the book.

I'm mostly feeling fine, except for annoying reflux and sore throat I've had off and on since May. And you know, stabbing pain in my pelvis and left thigh isn't exactly fun. I can barely heave myself out of bed, and then once I do, I'm gimping like a 90-year-old lady until my lower limbs start working a little.

People say that the baby must be very comfortable to have beaten my old pregnancy record. I say that this baby is probably terrified of the chaos he or she is about to meet! (I know I am. We'll get through it together, baby!)


Anonymous said...

You look so good! I look like a beached whale. Erika

Tish said...

I just have an image of you telling the kids to scream at your belly to tuck a little fear into the feller lol. 39 WEEKS! 39 WEEKS!