In the sleep department, he's kicking all sorts of ass and taking so many names. He started going down close to Avery's bedtime and will sleep until 2 a.m. most nights. And has hit 4 a.m. several times. Unreal. As you know, Avery didn't achieve this type of sleep until, well, she sleeps through most nights, but I'll just say that even now we've had nights when Owen came out the sleep victor. He's super duper adorable, and if we're not careful he's going to have us convinced a third would be no problem. He reminds me a little of Gene Hackman. Is plumping up just like Avery did, so he's got adorable little cheeks and rolls to squeeze.

We made it into the city, so he's already learning how to navigate subways and curse out the homeless Elmos. Even in his limited Sesame Street experience he knows the difference between the real thing and the imposters.

He also had a notable diaper blowout on the Brooklyn Bridge, whole outfit change and all. He's really noticing all of us and follows us around the room. He seems especially interested in Avery's shenanigans, as he should be because they are the more interesting shenanigans.

That girl. Her vocabulary astounds me. Move ottoman. Daddy home. I carry you. (Translation: carry me.) Book uh heavy (when she's trying to drag a stack of books around the house). Front door. Crazy puppy. Doorbell. Jump in pool. I kiss it. Be careful. Be right back.

She's fascinated with and terrified of overhead pipes downstairs. Like a moron, instead of ignoring it, I pointed out additional pipes for her to fear. Good job. Now "pipes" are regularly mentioned. Around this time she also developed a fear of her baby monitor camera, so much so that we had to hide it so we can at least get the sound. She also started pointing out the smoke alarm, and we told her they keep us safe. So now she goes around, pointing them out with concern, saying "safe, safe."

She's also memorizing books now, and it's insane how quickly she can start putting phrases with the correct pages. However, I am not saying she's a genius or anything because she's still unable to swallow her saliva and just today she went around licking the couch and ottoman, getting loads of dog hair in her incessantly drooly chin. So, you know, she's a genius in certain areas.

1 comment:
Love, love these two June updates. They're both getting so big and are so darn cute!!
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