Unfortunately we didn't get the 3D pictures like last time because the baby wasn't cooperating. He/she decided that being good and healthy was the job for the day, not cooperating so we could get a sneak peek at a cute little face. Oh well. I go back in another four weeks, so maybe then!
I'm again opting to not find out the gender. I just don't care and like the surprise of it all. I like to speculate, convince myself one way or the other, and then change my mind. I'm definitely not one of those moms who has any instincts when it comes to gender. These are my theories so far:
1) It'll be a girl. This pregnancy has been the complete opposite of my pregnancy with Avery complete with vomiting, bone-crushing fatigue, food aversions well past the first trimester, more doctor visits, and a much, much larger belly much earlier on. My theory is that it'll be the complete opposite experience, except for the end result. Avery gets a little sister!
2) It'll be a boy. The pregnancy is the total opposite of my first, so testosterone must be making me sick. I'm also RAVENOUS, so some say that means boy. Alan started feeling the baby kick several days ago, a couple of weeks ahead of when he could feel it with Avery, so it must be a strong-legged boy. Avery gets a little brother!
So those are my gender theories. One of them is bound to be right. And I love being right.
Today nanny thinks boy. Last month I thought girl. Can you see where you get it?
i see a penis!
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