Friday, July 22, 2011

Outta My Way

Avery is in the expert crawler category now, and it's hilarious. Not only does she crawl at the speed of light, but she will fling items out of her way if they're in her path...and even if they're only sorta kinda in her path. And even if they're not impeding her movement in any way. What can I say, she likes the open road.

I love how she changes her mind and her direction in split seconds. And by the way, she has successfully made it to the dog bowl and really enjoyed splashing around until I got to her moments later. Add her love for the dog bowl to her love for climbing the stairs, and let's just say it's a good thing she's sleeping like a champ these days. The girl runs me ragged!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is a speed demon! (from erika...well actually rob said it)