Friday, April 29, 2011

It's a Jungle Out There

While Avery isn't crawling yet, she's becoming increasingly motivated to move. And she's decided that if she's not coordinated enough to go forward, she'll roll. She was playing on her play mat yesterday and after I stepped out of the room for a minute, I came back to this:

My guess is that she grabbed the tag (see exhibit A above, tag in hand) and rolled over, bringing the mat with her. She's OBSESSED with tags lately. She was perfectly happy in her new fort. Especially with jungle-dog Marti to the rescue!

Is it bad that my instincts were to grab the camera instead of fix the play mat immediately?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crazy Eights

I think she's as confused as I am about where 8 months went.

But time flies when you're having fun...

...and eating the finest delicacies!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Puppy Love

Just when I thought that the Avery/Marti cuteness couldn't get any more adorable, they go and do stuff like this...

...and up the cute factor like a million percent.

And then they double it.