Monday, March 21, 2011

All the Difference

I recently got a fancy-schmancy camera. And now instead of taking a million blurred pictures with my old camera and a million fuzzy pictures with my phone, I take a bajillion pictures with my fancy-schmancy camera. The best part is that even though I know next to nothing about photography, I can still take awesome pictures.

Behold, my muse.

A camera that can capture droplets of water in the air and the pure joy of a baby bath.



Pondering the wonders of the world.


Tish said...

she looks like hubby in that last pic lol

you're an artist now!

Leslie O'Hara Photography said...

love your new camera!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really can tell the difference! What kind of camera did you get? We have a Nikon D5000 and I LOVE it! -nik