A little background. Over the weekend, Alan and I decided to tackle the kitchen wallpaper. We had a three-day weekend and no major plans, so why not? As most of our home improvement projects go, there is always a little more to it than meets the eye. The wallpaper, miraculously, came up easily. But after pulling our first major piece of wallpaper off, we came across an ominous note: Beware of the Plurb.
Oh no. What was the Plurb?
Was it this?
The Plurb turned out to be the least of our problems. Once the wallpaper was gone, it was a terrifying scene. The walls are made of some parts plaster, some parts cracks, and some parts we have no idea as the material is unlike any other I've ever seen. However, we didn't let the Plurb or any of that scare us, we plugged along, and Alan spent a day sanding to get the walls somewhat ready to repair and prime.
The sanding? Got plaster dust into almost every single kitchen cabinet, even though we put up plastic. So I've spent the last three days cleaning every single dish in the house. And every utensil. And every appliance.
So all of this leads up to yesterday, day three of cleaning the kitchen to get it into a usable state again. Add in record-breaking heat and humidity and pregnancy hormones, and you might have some sort of idea of my mental state yesterday.
So yesterday. I had to pay an E-Z Pass toll by check because our pass didn't get picked up recently. To do that, I needed our account number. I tried to log in online to get it, but I got locked out after the PIN number didn't work three times. So I call. She confirms that the PIN I am using is correct, but she can't give me the account number. So I have to go outside and get my E-Z Pass from the car to log in. No big deal really, but cue first mini-meltdown. Had I known what the rest of the day had in store, I would have punched myself and said to save it for later.
Later, I'm downstairs finishing up cleaning the kitchen. A nearly fully bottle of kitchen cleaner is on top of the refrigerator. Open fridge, bottle falls to the ground and breaks the nozzle. Must now wait until I have an empty bottle or sprayer nozzle to be able to use cleaner.
Head downstairs to do some laundry. I'd put a brand-new bottle of laundry detergent at the bottom of the laundry hamper so I'd remember to take it downstairs. Of course I forgot it was there, so I dump it out on the laundry room floor. When I pick up the container, liquid soap is going everywhere. So I discover the crack and lay the bottle on the dryer so that I can transfer it to the old bottle once it's empty.
Appointment with Comcast is supposed to take place between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. This appointment window comes and goes with a Comcast no-show. Annoying. I call. Comcast says someone will be calling me immediately. No one does.
I head out to the car to toss in the blanket and three pillows Alan and I need to take to our childbirth class. Discover cream cheese in the trunk from yesterday's trip to the grocery store. Steaming hot.
Alan calls as he's leaving work. "Oh shit. The car is broken."
We hang up. Mini-meltdown no more, sobs instead. My hair tie snaps in half just to punctuate the event.
Alan drives the whole way home in second gear.
I shower quickly because I'm a sweaty mess. Get out, get dressed. Comcast guys show up. "I can't do the appointment today," I say. "May we ask why?" "BECAUSE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE AT 3 AND IT'S NOW 6 AND I HAVE PLACES TO BE." Jerks.
Childbirth class. Uneventful, except that we switched locations and had to walk a mile to find the classroom and then got lost in the parking garage on the way back to our car.
Get home. Go downstairs to put laundry in the dryer. Notice a whole lot of laundry soap on the dryer. Turns out the detergent also had a hole in the lid, so turning the bottle on its side just caused it to leak out of the other hole. I wipe up soap, Alan comes down and helps after he realizes it shouldn't take 10 minutes for me to transfer laundry.
I go to bed so the day will end.
1 comment:
Hi Erin,
I apologize for our tardiness today and I would like to work with you to make this right. Can you please email my team and I? We will have a tech out at a convenient time for you.
Detreon Roberts
Comcast Corporate
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