This pregnancy is trucking right along; I've hit the halfway point. Those first few weeks seemed to creep by, but now it seems that time is speeding up. And our neighbor from across the street was brave enough to ask if I was pregnant, so I'm looking a little more obviously pregnant. She and her daughter must have been speculating, and both were relieved when I confirmed (and didn't just turn out to be fat and insulted).
Here is me at 19 weeks. I look smaller, lumpier and less photogenic in my 20-week picture, so you're getting me a week ago.

I've really started bumping out since about the 17-week mark, which coincidentally was when I first started suspecting that I was feeling the baby move. It started with just a twitch. Then a few days later another twitch. I'm still waiting for that massive "HEY MOM!" kick to the gut, but the twitches are adding up enough that I'm quite confident at this point that Baby W is saying hello. He/she is definitely using my bladder as a trampoline, so that's fun. I'd read that the incessant peeing was supposed to let up in the second trimester before hitting again in the 3T. And I did get a reprieve for a couple of weeks, but now I'm getting familiar with every public restroom in the NJ area. And ours at 2 a.m., without fail.
On Wednesday we'll be getting our 20-ish week ultrasound, so we'll get to see the wee one wave at us some more. And we would be able to find out the gender, if we were finding out the gender. But we're not. Because we want to make you all sick with anticipation.
Awwe! You look so cute!! (and totally still an FBG!) Can't wait for ultrasound pics. Too bad you have the willpower of a beast and aren't finding out. LOL. Happy bathroom breaks!
;pve, nik
Hi Erin! You and baby look like you are doing awesome! The world could certianly use a few more whiteheads, that's for sure. Rachel's a couple months behind you with Baby Vaughn - The Sequel. She's a bigtime blogger like yourself ( and has written extensively about almost all things pregnancy in case you're interested. Your husband, and my long lost friend, wrote me an email a while back, but I can't find it to reply to him so please give him my best. I'd love to talk with him sometime and catch up. If you don't mind, shoot me an email with his cell/email. Peace. Baby W will be in our prayers.
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