Is there anybody out there? (lights flash around the cold Atlantic)
If there
is anybody still out there, checking in, hoping upon hope that I'll update...HERE IT IS!
It's be a crazy/busy/insane/hectic/stressful/wonderful time lately, so I'm sure you'll forgive the absence.
Since we left California we've...
1) Driven across 13 states to get to New Jersey. Want the list? California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. West Virginia barely counts because it lasted all of a blink, but we figured if you see the "Welcome to STATE" sign, it counts. The drive East was much prettier than the drive West. Thank goodness those western-bound folks back in the day had California and Oregon waiting for them otherwise I imagine there would have been a lot of suicides in Utah and Nevada.
2) Gotten to spend time with family and friends. While Alan was deservedly relaxing his ass off in our month "homeless," I had to keep working. I got so good at setting up my computer and Vonage phone to various modems and routers that I could do it blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back. I feel like I didn't put in a solid week of work the whole time, but I appeared to be working, and that counts for something.
3) Gone to Disney World! Oh my gosh. That place is magical. My face hurt for the first two hours, I swear.
4) Gone on a lovely vacation to the Bahamas that included dolphins, copious amounts of piƱa coladas, amazing beaches and relaxation until I was giddy.
5) Moved into our apartment in New Jersey. Considering that we just picked it on the basis of one drive-by and online pictures, we're very pleased. It's almost twice as big as our previous apartment, has a walk-in closet and a workout room. Plus, Alan doesn't have to rough up his soft hands because we now have a dishwasher.
6) Gotten lost about 10 times because there is no method to the madness when it comes to streets around here. There is no standard north/south/east/west grid layout. No numbered streets to guide you. It's all named streets. Curved named streets that twist and turn and wind. There is no creativity, so roads and town names are repeated everywhere. We go by landmarks instead, so it's "You take a left at Just Plain Dave's" or "There's the pet hospital...we're almost home!" Needless to say, Garmin has been our best friend.
7) Gotten in a hilarious road-rage incident that involved a skinny man yelling at us at a stoplight in the rain. A semi couldn't make a turn, so we backed up to give the guy in front of us room to let the semi by. Apparently the 10 feet we gave him to back up just wasn't enough, so after what felt like two minutes of cars honking, he got out his car, making a pushing motion with his arms telling us to BACK UP! It was the most absurd and awesome road-rage incident ever.
8) Started looking at houses. It's simultaneously fun and exciting and torturous and discouraging. We just want something in our price range that doesn't look condemned. Is that so much to ask?
But New Jersey has been great so far. Lots of rain. Lots of beautiful leaves on the trees. Alan and I have decided that the reason NJ gets such a bad rap is because people here have no confidence in their state. "You moved here from where!?" Come on, New Jersey! You've got a lot to offer! It's beautiful. At least in the fall.