Friday, April 10, 2009

Potty Patrol

It's been months since I've seen poor old Silvia, so I can only assume she's finally escaped the assisted living facility and gone to the sweet by and by. But there's a new Silvia in town, and she goes by the name of Shirley.

I met Shirley recently when I was out with Marti, letting her sniff around in the mulch and the bushes by the patio of the assisted living facility. Marti is typically content to putter around for much longer than I prefer before she really gets down to business. So we're dilly-dallying around and Marti is playing with seed pods in the mulch and out of nowhere I hear:


It took me so by surprise that I didn't even know how to respond. I turned around to Shirley in her wheelchair, and said, for lack of a better defense, "But she hasn't even gone yet!"

So she repeated herself. Just to make it clear that dog poo wouldn't be tolerated. This time I said, "Don't worry, I always do!" Her reply? With utter disdain, she says accusingly, "With what??"

To which I waved at her with my black poo-pickup-bag covered hand. I was trying to be lighthearted through the accusations, but I was a little defensive, which is understandable because I live in a neighborhood where these signs once appeared:

Shirley's got her difficult side, for sure, and I know she puts the nurses through the wringer. I've heard her tapping on the windows from the patio to get their attention, saying "HELLOOO!?!" over and over again. I also hear her demands for coffee, and she doesn't exactly say please and thank you. But we've actually spoken since our first encounter, and she can be quite friendly when she's lucid. She sees me and asks Marti's name and whether she's had any puppies. On her good days, we're friendly. But I'm fairly certain I heard her curse at me again the other day. I'm pretty sure that somewhere deep inside her troubled mind she must remember a dog that used to take large dumps on her lawn.


rachel vaughn said...

funny. i love older people. sounds like you have a great attitude for shirley.

Mr. Joel said...

I can almost smell the aged moldy skin of Shirley right now. I just threw up in my mouth a little. Hey remember that time when you and Al had just moved in together and were pretty pumped about finally having your own space and then I came back from Brazil and ruined your alone time? Man that was fun for everyone. See you in New Jersey, what day do you move in?

Tish said...

lol i just got mad for you. man i'm a hot head! i would have probably flipped her the finger...i'm such a lady. you my friend are a very sweet and patient person lol