Thanksgivings in California are not Thanksgivings in Kansas (slash Missouri). Alan and I would much rather be back home with family and having reunions with our oldest and best friends, but alas, it is just not possible with so far to travel and the opposite of all the money in the world. However, we've made Thanksgiving decidedly our own since we've been out here. This year, Alan's lab once again played another lab in the Turkey Bowl, aka "The most serious game of touch football ever." And by serious, I mean, bruises-on-the-arms serious. Still. They should be turning yellow any day now. And no wonder. Check out the hoss Alan had to block.
Because I wasn't trusted to cook dinner (and because I really didn't want to make dinner for just two in a kitchen with no dishwasher), we had reservations at a local restaurant. We'd wanted to eat there anyway, and they had a four-course meal, complete with turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. We were a little too full when we left. It was awesome.
On Saturday Alan and I headed up to "the city" to go to Phantom of the Opera. We ate a delicious Thai meal beforehand and had fruity drinks that equaled the cost of both of our entrees and appetizer combined. But at least they came with flowers.
*Two people in one week asked, and my boss dreamed I had a baby in an airport, so I feel I should set the record straight. But congrats to my cousin Stacey who actually is pregnant!
Dude, Ryan ALWAYS beats me at Scrabble! I think it's a math thing. They look for the most points and we look for the coolest word. Oh, and yea, I rarely draw a mix of vowels and consonants. Like you, of course.
Okay, I'm dying to know -- how much did that little cocktail cost you? (and what was in it??)
Well, we each had two drinks, so therein lies the problem.
Mine was a pomaritas: pomegranate margarita! Well worth it if you ask me.
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