I think my last blog would have won the Reader's Choice award, if I were to give such an accolade to myself for my blogs. It elicited more emails (and fewer comments) than any other blog I've written. While it'll be hard to top and probably won't be topped, ever, I'm just going to jump write back in.*
Alan and I made it skiing for the second time this year at
Kirkwood on Sunday. We went up to stay Saturday night, and rather than pay $199 to stay near the resort we opted to do a bit of a drive the next morning and stay a little further out. The next morning was a little bright, and since Alan doesn't have a decent pair of shades, he opted to drive in his ski goggles.

I never take my camera on the mountain for fear of impaling myself with it, so here's the closest thing I can really get to an action ski picture.

Unless you count this.

We had a good time, me trying out my new skis and Alan ripping up the mountain as always. We're already planning our next trip.
And while we didn't take Martikins on this ski outing, we did check her into the posh
PetSmart PetsHotel for the evening. Let me tell you: I fell for the place hook, line and sinker. From the fireplace in the lobby to the hypoallergenic lambskin blankets, I ate it up. Yum. It only cost $5 more per night than the bare-bones, unheated metal-and-concrete kennel we took her to previously, and it saved us a lot of guilt.** And I'll admit it: We splurged so that she could do doggie day camp on Sunday and play with the other dogs. Our rationale was that if she had the best time ever on her first stay at the PetsHotel, she will never be afraid to go back. I take my dog's psychological well being seriously, folks.
And trust me, the splurge paid off. When we saw her Sunday night she was worn out and calm and wasn't following us around like she had been abandoned. And here's the best part: She got a Pawgress Report. Here's how our little girl did:
Meal time3 out of 3 paws: Dinner disappeared quickly.
Marti says: "Loved my food."
Play/TLC Time3 out of 3 paws: Had a great time playing at PetSmart
Marti says: "Played with my new friend Daisy-Belle." (Me: Can you seriously hear me giggling?)
Bed Time2 out of 3 paws: A little tossing and turning
Marti says: "Exciting events & all left me restless."
Potty Time3 out of 3 paws: Took care of business
Marti says: Champ here!
The Whole Time3 out of 3 paws: Carefree, calm and comfortable
Marti says: Ran and romped and had so much fun.
Yes, I am officially one of "those people." But I promise, as blog as my witness, I will NEVER call to talk to Marti while she's on "vacation." Yes, you can do that. No, I'm not kidding.
*Yes, the pun was on purpose.
**Seriously, little Marti was shaking and frightened after a week there over Christmas and I will never do that to her again.