Alan and I celebrate seven years of marriage today. I won't get all mushy gushy here; it's a family show, after all. But I will say that I love him more than the day we were married, and trust me, I loved him a lot then. It's crazy days around here, but I can't imagine going through all of this crazy with anyone else. One of the best parts of my day is when he walks in that door, and not just because the kids are driving me bonkers, although, ok, yes, sometimes. He can still make me laugh until I can't breathe, puts up with me leaving cereal bowls with milk in them on the counter, and very importantly, he lets me sleep in when I've been up at night with babies and tantrummy toddlers.

The makes me laugh part? Very important. Here are just a few of our recent conversations that made me laugh.
Me: I read this blog update by a woman who had to drop her daughter off for her first day of kindergarten and it made me really sad.
Alan: It'll be ok...we all go to kindergarten...
Me: I know...
Alan: We all die too.
Me: This is supposed to make me feel better?
Conversation 2
Me: I think I have bone cancer.
Alan (unfazed): Why's that?
Me: Well, I have this shooting pain in my ankle.
Alan: And?
Me: And my hip really hurts, but mostly in the morning.
Alan: Ok.
Me: And this knee pain, but that's more ligament..and less bone. [And then I proceed to crash to the ground as my leg gets caught as I'm putting on my pajamas.]
Alan: [Gives me a look that says "Diagnosis: Clumsy...and I rest my case."]
Conversation 3
Me: Mm?
Him: Mmmm.
Me: Mm mm.
Me: Did you say something?
Him: What?
Me: Never mind, I thought you said something.
Yep. We're now officially at the stage when we can talk in grunts. I do love the familiarity that comes with time.
I didn't even yell at him while I was in labor. Now that's love.