All of a sudden, we went from having a baby who could be placed on her playmat and left alone for several minutes to having a baby who cannot be trusted. Who turns her playmat upside down and/or can be found trying to get into the attic.
Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but for someone who isn't quite yet crawling, girlfriend is on the move and keeping me on my toes. If it's something off limits, she wants it. BlackBerry? Gimme. Electric cords? Gimme. Marti's tail? Gimme gimme gimme.
She's also moving so much that we never know how we're going to find her when she wakes up from a nap. Putting her on her back to sleep is futile. She flips over within seconds. And she's usually found sideways in her crib with limbs peeking through the rails.

We've started swim classes, which are super fun. Avery seems to like it, or at least doesn't hate it. And she does a great job at the underwater swims. It turns out that babies are hilarious when they get dunked. She even picked out her own swimsuit.

She's also got three teeth now, and she's drooling buckets, so I'm pretty sure that top tooth No.4 is about to pop through.

And she does not like you messing with her teeth, MOM.

This puzzle mat? Good and cute in theory. In reality: It will get taken apart tout de suite.

Bit of Avery trivia: She's asymmetrically roly. She's got five rolls on her left arm and only four on her right. Also, she's damn cute.