Surely you've heard of it.
It's the teen vampire book series-turned-movie that has 13-year-old girls and 29-year-old Erins swooning. That's right. Edward the teenage vampire makes me swoon.
When Twilight hit the scene, I vowed I would not get involved. I didn't need a new Harry-Potter-esque saga to get hooked on. I was inspired by the story of the author, though—a stay-at-home mom who got the idea for the book based on a dream she had.
It was only when Erika—my trustworthy-never-led-me-astray-literary-Shakespeare-reading-friend—told me she was reading it to relax before her wedding that I had the first tiny inkling of interest. Then came a pre-Bahamas trip to Walmart in which I needed to pick up some fun beach reading. I have a list of dozens of books that I want to read. But Walmart, while it has everything from carrots to motor oil, doesn't have the greatest book selection. So when I saw Twilight in the book section, taunting me, I picked it up.
And devoured it. I would have finished it beach-side, but Alan and I were busy drinking and frolicking in the clear water, so I ended up finishing it on the flight back home. I was so desperate to buy the next one that, against my desire for all of the cool, artsy book covers, I bought the book's "movie cover" at the airport.
Ok, it's already embarrassing to be reading this teen romance novel. Putting the teen hottie actors on my book cover only makes it MORE embarrassing. Now random passersby might think I bought it because I like the movies, not for the literary genius and the writing.
However, buying the movie-covered book does have its advantages. Like a poster inside that is now the only decoration that we have hanging in our temporary apartment.
You laugh, but look at this close-up of the love-stricken vampire.
And yum.
Alan calls me a pervert. But in real life, he's 23, not the 17-year-old high-schooler he plays in the movie. And it's not just me: Just ask the thousands of "older" Twilight fans.
*I called this post Dusk so as not to scare anyone off. HAHA. FOOLED YOU!