7:30 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. Roll out of bed. (Yes, this is what time I get up. Sue me. I used to get to work by 7:00 a.m. and work until 6 or later anyway, so I figure I might as well sleep in if I'm going to work late regardless.)
8:01 a.m. Hit my office.
12:00 Think about taking a lunch. But don't.
5:00 Take Marti to the dog park.
5:30 Back to work.
6:30-8:30ish Work out. Start on dinner. Eat dinner. Clean up after dinner.
8:30-12:00 Spend some time with Alan. Take Marti out. Try to fit in laundry, other chores and oh, yes, that other JOB I'm doing.
Oh, and weekends? Fuggedaboutit. They consist of maybe grocery shopping, a dinner out, catching up from things I couldn't do during the week, and most of all, Other Job. So yeah, I'm a little stressed. A lot busy. Ok, a lot stressed. But something's gotta give eventually right? I'm hoping it's the day job.
Until then, Marti has taken to wearing earplugs to block out the noise of my screams.